What is franchising: the operational tools

Opening a franchise is a valid solution for all those who want to start their own business and become entrepreneurs. We have already talked about the main protagonists of commercial affiliation, franchisors and franchisees . At this point it is useful to provide all the information on the operational tools available to the franchisor and affiliateserviceminder.io.

Through the operational tools the franchisors will be able to protect themselves from any problems with the franchisees, while even more important are the tools available to the franchiseessoftware for franchisor.

Operational tools of the franchisor

The franchisor has several tools at his disposal to use to find and involve new franchisees.

Franchising contract : it is the agreement between the franchisor and the franchisee, which establishes the rights and obligations of the two parties, defining all the formal characteristics of the franchise in question, taking into account the legislation in force on the subject.

Presentation brochure : it is a presentation to be used on the occasion of a direct meeting with a potential franchisee in order to summarize the advantages of that franchise

Control systems for the recruitment of franchisees : it is advisable to create modules that can keep data on franchisees updated

Operational tools and benefits for the franchisee.

Merchandising : is the set of techniques and actions used at the point of sale with the aim of attracting the attention of the potential buyer and promoting the sale of products. They can be: store layout, overall structure, product grouping logic and related displays and optimization of the product visibility space, advertising, promotion and consumer information

Brand image : it is a set of connotations such as the insignia, the brand, the graphic transposition of the logo, the furnishing of the shop, the presentation of the products or services offered, and any other distinctive sign capable of creating a perception of the brand for make the brand image of franchisees immediately recognizable.

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