What to Know About Career in Aged Care This 2021

Aged care services are currently booming. However, those who have taken jobs in this industry know exactly how demanding and challenging it could be. But if you are passionate about helping others, especially the elderly, then you definitely belong in this industry. But before you can do that, you first need to know what is to consider which area of aged care you must pursue, what specializations to take, and what qualifications are needed.

Skills of Aged Care Workers

Aside from your dedication and passion to care for others, there are skills that you need to possess to be qualified for this job. This includes both technical and soft skills. Technical skills include first aid, hygiene knowledge, home maintenance, physiotherapy assistance, general knowledge about health, and also legal and ethical knowledge. The soft skills include patience, compassion, responsibility, adaptability, and relationship-building.

Roles and Responsibilities

Aged care workers are providing older people the support that they need for completing daily activities. And this may include preparing meals, feeding, dressing, showering, taking medications, assisting with mobility and transport, providing social and emotional support, and so on. All of these will be learned if you take aged care courses and child care courses. Remember that as an aged care worker, there is a great chance that you will be working from the clients’ home, in a residential aged care facility, or also in a nursing home.

Careers in the Aged Care Industry

If you are sure that you want to start a job in aged care, then you should know what your career would look like. There are different positions available in this field. It is crucial that you know which is the right one for you. Your options include the following:

  • Residential Support Worker. You will be working in care facilities like aged care homes or group homes, where you assist residents with their everyday activities and respond to their needs.
  • Community Support Worker. Aside from taking care of the elderly, you will also be assisting people with disabilities. Community care support workers are there to encourage them to participate in their rehabilitation programs and development classes.
  • Assistant in Nursing. As an AIN, you will be helping health professionals in various medical environments like hospitals and assisted living facilities. Your duties will include reporting your patients’ health and administering medications.
  • Registered Nurse. Aside from working at hospitals and medical clinics, registered nurses also work in aged care facilities. To be a registered nurse, additional education is required.

Knowing what to expect in the aged care industry is crucial. It is important that in this career, you know what you are getting yourself into. So if you are sure that this is the career path that you want to follow, take a look at your options above and understand your roles and responsibilities as an aged care provider.

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