Cardiologists in maryland: Every important fact to take into consideration

Knowing about the risks of heart disease is one of the important steps in the prevention of heart failure, stroke, and heart attacks. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death around the world for both men and women. Some of the facts about the cardiologists in maryland have been discussed in this article.

Top factors which mainly contribute to heart diseases

One should understand the risks they mainly face for heart attacks.  Risk factors mainly fall into three main categories:

  1. Major risk factors: According to some research, it has been shown that these factors remarkably increase the risk of heart and blood-related disease. Some of the major risk factors include the increase in age, the male gender, and the hereditary factor.
  2. Modifiable risk factors: Few major risk factors can be altered, treated, or controlled by using medications or lifestyle changes. Some of these include smoking tobacco, a higher amount of cholesterol, physical inactivity, obesity, and diabetes.
  3. Contributing risk factors: Some of these factors are mainly associated with an increase in the risk of cardiovascular doctor. This mainly includes stress, alcohol, nutrition, and diet.

The health experts mainly recommend focusing on the prevention of heart disease early in life. One should assess their risk factors and work on them to keep them low. The earlier someone mainly identifies and works on managing the risk factors, the better their chances of leading the heart-healthy life. These are some of the risk factors to be taken into account for the cardiac assessment.

Tips to lower the risk of heart diseases

  1. The user should lower the blood pressure
  2. One should maintain a healthy level of triglyceride
  3. One should try to eat a healthy diet and get adequate sleep. Adults normally require 7 to 9 hours of sleep
  4. The person should try to lower the level of stress
  5. The person should engage in some physical activity

Heart attacks can occur at any age. A person should start heart-healthy living.

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