
Are you losing money by not repairing compressed air-leaks?

Unlike a power source, compressed air is created on-site by the user, and the compressed air system is frequently constructed without taking into account factors such as air treatment, space capacity, right pipe material, and adequate air distribution system dimensioning. This might result in a compressed air system that is costly to run and does not assist the user attain the productivity for which the system was designed. You can also learn The Average Cost of a Compressed Air Leak.

Proper air treatment and the use of appropriate pipe materials are particularly important since they might result in considerable economic effect to the user by causing leaks in the air distribution system. Approximately 25% of all compressed air generated is wasted owing to system leakage before it reaches the end user point. In very severe circumstances, the volume of air lost due to system leakage exceeds 80%.

What is the primary cause of air leaks?

Moisture has harmed a compressed air line. It is vital to make sure that the system is built to have as few leaks as possible. Corrosion in pipes is the primary cause of leaks. Corrosion occurs when semi-treated or untreated air with high moisture content and a typical residual compressed air humidity of more than 50% enters the air network. This moisture-laden air begins to corrode the internals of the pipes, becoming the principal cause of leaks. Know The Average Cost of a Compressed Air Leak.

Air leak testing can help you avoid losses

Air leaks are an unseen adversary of a user’s operation that raises the cost of manufacturing. Before you begin a new investment project on your compressed air system, please contact us to discuss doing an air leak test and assessing the existing installation, which will assist in identifying costly leaks. After that, you may calculate your system’s future requirements and growth plans.