
Check your heart beat with EKG Test

EKG and ECG both are referred to “Electrocardiogram”. EKG is a German abbreviation first used in 1900 in an article published by the Dutch physician and a physiologist. However, later the letter k was replaced by C. And now the term widely used is ECG. It helps in accessing the electrical system of the heart, find irregular heart rhythms presence of narrow or blocked coronary artery. Cardiocare EKG service also checks the working of the pace maker installed in the heart or abdomen to check irregular heartbeats.

EKG tests are very common form of tests that are preformed around the world. They are painless tests. Cardiocare EKG service machines are found in almost all the hospitals and ambulances. Some smart watches too check the ECG level. However electrode wires are places on the chest and attached to the computer. A small snapshot of the heart is taken. This test checks the heart in less than a minute.

There are two types of EKG Machines –

  1. Holter Monitor – is a small wearable device that records the heart rhythm. The doctor may advice the patient to wear it for two or three days to record the heartbeats. However, this is a traditional method and does not give any information about the heart health.
  1. Implantable loop recorder – It is inserted in the chest where the recordings are done for three years. It allows the remote monitoring.

ECG test is required when the person has the following symptoms – chest pain, dizziness, rapid pulse rate, shortness of breath, weakness, etc. At times you may not show any symptoms but if you have a family history then ECG test is required. Moreover, EKG is a safe process. There is no sign of electric shock during the test. The electrodes only record the electric activity of the heart.

ECG test is required when the person has the following symptoms – chest pain, dizziness, rapid pulse rate, shortness of breath, weakness, etc. At times you may not show any symptoms but if you have a family history then ECG test is required. Moreover, EKG is a safe process. There is no sign of electric shock during the test. The electrodes only record the electric activity of the heart.

 The test can be done in the doctor’s office or at home by the nurse or the technician. During the test up to 12 sensors are placed on the chest and limbs. If that area has hair then you are required to shave it off. The electrodes are sticky and get stuck to the chest. The wires are connected to the computer.  It records and shows the waves on the screen or a paper.

To summarise, EKG test is painless. it records heart rate, heart rhythm, heart attack, checks the oxygen and blood supply to the heart, and heart defects. If there is any more complication related to the heart then the doctor prescribes more and different tests.